Luiza von Larisch-Hohendorff

Hello, I am a journalist and writer, in southern Brazil, and recently made ??contact with you to learn more about the family von Larisch.
I write in Portuguese and use a translator so we can communicate better. I write in French, German and Spanish, but English, unfortunately.
Ten years researching German immigrants, their descendants and they founded towns in southern Brazil.
I’ve been in Germany for research, where I was with relatives, especially in the Hunsrück and Saarland, where they live, respectively, relatives of my father and my mother. My mother has close relatives in Germany and a branch of the family has its origins in Luxembourg.
Search also on the family von Hohendorff, ancestors of my wife Fernanda Scherer. I have a lot herd in Brazil and Germany. But on the ancestral mother of the von Hohendorff named Luise von Larisch, unfortunately we do not have material, unless their dates of birth and death.
We do not know anything about the ancestry von Larisch. Recently got material on von Frankenberg (family of the immigrant grandmother von Hohendorff) and the von der Groeben. But von Larisch about the story is still unknown.
What we would like, it was just names of ancestors with their dates of birth and death, so we could complete our family tree.
Can I submit material, and historical pictures, with names and dates, our family here in southern Brazil. So that you know a little history here.
Thank you for your attention
Felipe Kuhn Braun.
Journalist and writer, Masters in Latin American Historical Studies at the University of the Valley of the Bells – Unisinos. Director of Historical Museum Genealogy Viscount of S?o Leopoldo and press officer in the Parliament of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

My sites: and

Enclose the family tree von Hohendorff. Since the couple who stayed in Germany, Friedrich von Hohendorff and Luise von Larisch, until the immigrant Heinrich Friedrich von Hohendorff and their three children were born in Brazil: Josef, and John Nicolaus

Also sending (in another e-mail) old photographs of the family von Hohendorff in Brazil, the descendants of Jo?o von Hohendorff, who marriedtwice, with Catharina Mattje and Adelina Richter.

Viele Grüsse aus Südbrasilien,


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